Sunday, April 12, 2009

Halo Portable? Maybe

Maybe Microsoft is developing a Xbox Portable.

When we're not too busy trouncing Halo 3-developer Bungie in "humpday challenges," we fancy ourselves quite the career builders. And so it was with shock that we found ourselves colliding directly with the enormously popular franchise on, albeit under the auspices of Halo license-owner Microsoft. Apparently the company is seeking folks who not only love Halo but also love "building scalable online infrastructure and websites for large and passionate audiences.

"What does that mean, exactly? The listing doesn't go into as much details as we'd like, but it does say the job will blend, "console, web, and mobile to create an immersive Halo world that follows the dedicated Halo fan wherever they go." Our thoughts first went to iPhone integration of and future Halo community endeavors but then we realized that Microsoft may want to keep whatever mobile application it may be creating on Windows Mobile-based phones. We're hoping for our future-phone having selves that this isn't the case.


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